2021 - ongoing

I have been creating Puppet sculptures since 2020. The techniques of making these puppetry works are learned from a puppet animation course. Rather than making the characters as props in an animation, I make them into sculptural objects that depict a moment. My hand movement to control the puppets has become a way of giving voice.

The scenes I build up focus on the power dynamics between each character, whether between individuals or under a social system. Cuteness ( as well as anti-cuteness) and humor are applied in these sculptures to cloud the aggression and violence of the conflict scenes.

Each character I created has a simple profile describing their personalities and histories. These profiles are based on people I observed in real life, although they don’t feature any specific human being. Some characters, such as Flower and Big Brother, are shown repeatedly. These characters often describe a group of people. I intend to design their clothes into different uniforms, as an attempt to de-individualize each character. What they wear indicates their identities and their places in society.

With more and more puppets being made, the construction of a parallel reality is growing constantly.